Hall Committee Meeting – Charity accounts
May 19, 2014
Ras Myddfai 2014
June 20, 2014Myddfai Community Council Minutes 13th May 2014 meeting
A meeting of Myddfai Community Council was held on 13th May 2014 in Myddfai Hall
Present: Cllr’s Hywel Lewis, John Morgan, Carol Dyer, Garient Powell,
CC Andrew James, John Griffith Gareth Hughes and Garient Davies
Chairperson: Cllr John Morgan
Minutes of the last meeting read, found to be true and signed.
Matters Arising: Superfast Internet – Clerk had difficulty in finding information. CC Andrew James advised the meeting that a representative from BT had said in a previous meeting that 96% would have superfast by 2016. A letter to MP Jonathan Edwards and AM Glyn Thomas
Correspondence: Welsh Gov – Governance in small public bodies filed does not apply to Myddfai
CCC Liaison Forum Filed
Code of conduct Clerk attended last meeting.
New hospice Tŷ Cymorth has open day 17th May
BBNP Planning Obligation Strategy can be viewed on line
Planning: CCC E/30002 Land at Rock farm Discharge of section 106 agreement information only
BBNP 14/10770/LBC Beili Glas cottage Demolition of extension, construct 2 storey extention with saddle roof and attached lean to and internal alterations/renovation work
Planning inspectorate, Llwynwormwood Footpath 54/13 Trallwn to Llwynywormwood Park path diversion – statement of case read
Finances: Menter Bro Dinfwr letter signed concerning grant
Clerks expenses Clerk explained that there has been an increase in postage, phone charges, internet. Councillors agreed and expenses increased. Clerks 1st expenses for 2014 were paid
Radio Beca – certificate received for payment
Annual Audit- clerk explained a problem councillors agreed for clerk to meet with Mr Llewellyn (Accountant) to conclude audit
A.O.B : Sympathy card sent to Mrs Foot and family on the death of Mr Peter Foot
CC Andrew James to look into condition of Myddfai Road and a Style on footpath at Gorllwyn Fach
Meeting Closed
Next meeting 2nd June 2014
Minutes by Clerk- Sandra Beard